Monday, September 26, 2011

"What is Cru" Video

Sometimes I feel like I have so much stuff to share about our lives, but then when I sit down to write it all slips my mind. Here are a few things:

-We hit 50% of our monthly goals last week!!!! Alex and I did a little 50% dance that looked a lot like us making 5's and 0's with our limbs while jumping around. We know the next 50% might take a little longer since we have so much new support to raise, but we are still trusting God with December 1st to be finished.

-I have really been missing my Greek girls and other sweet friends down at U of I!  My sister and I made a quick stop down there last week and I was able to see a few of them, and today I had a long phone date with one that I haven't seen for months!  As much as we are enjoying this support raising process and the time the Lord is giving us here, I wish so badly I could sit down for coffee with each of those girls and get to hear what God has been doing in their lives this Fall!  I suppose Facebook, phones, and emails will have to satisfy me for now.

-Alex and I have been meaning to share this video that they showed at the first Cru Large Group meeting this year. We really feel it gives a great picture of U of I Cru.  Enjoy!