Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I was MADE for this!

You know when you are doing something that you absolutely love to do, and your heart is beating fast, your energy is flowing, and you feel confident and alive.  This was EXACTLY how I felt last night.

I had the privilege of sitting down with 10 high school girls from Metamora and discussing how Jesus changes everything.  I had met a few of their moms recently, and they asked me if I could lead their daughters' Bible study.  These girls have been meeting together since 4th grade to learn from God's word!

To be honest, I was nervous all day thinking about leading this study. I am used to hanging out with 18-22 year olds, talking about sorority life, tough professors, and changing majors for the 3rd time. I can barely remember what it was like to go to Senior Prom, so I wasn't sure if I would know how to relate to 14 year olds. 

As the girls started gathering in the basement I prayed for confidence, reminded myself that I have been approved and accepted through the blood of Jesus, and that His Word would go forth to these girls. 

Over gummy bears and candy corn, they chatted about tennis practice, yearbook committees, and tough german tests. The conversation swirled with laughter and inside jokes just like when I am sitting with my sorority girls at U of I.  Many years and life experiences sit in between these 14 year olds and my sorority Bible Study, but the beautiful thing about women is that we never grow old of laughing, sharing stories, and valuing girlfriends.

As we opened up the Word and began discussing John 4, the adulterous woman Jesus sweetly approaches at the well, that feeling overwhelmed me.  I felt alive, full of joy, energy, and passion. There was no where else I would have rather been than in that moment, dialoguing with women about the love and grace of our Savior and Friend.  As they shared their hearts, and we related over how our flesh thirsts for acceptance and security in so many other places rather than Christ, I thought, "I was made for this". I was made to connect with women, to go deep about our Lord, to look at His Word and discuss what it means for today.

There are many things God did not wire me for: keeping a clean closet, anything with numbers, sitting still, and camping to name a few, but connecting with women over Jesus is one thick wire that runs from my head to my toes. 

As I look forward to my future career in ministry, I cannot help but joyfully praise God for leading me to a place where I experience His power in my giftings. By His grace, I will still be sitting around with women, gray haired and wrinkled, years in the future, conversing about the Life we have in Jesus Christ.