Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We Have A New Name!

   You may not have known, but for the last 2 years Campus Crusade for Christ has been doing an incredible amount of research and brainstorming to come up with a name that has less barriers to people hearing about Jesus. The name has served for 60 years, but even in the 80's Bill Bright discussed the need for a new name that had less negative connotations.

   So last night, in front of over 5000 staff members they unveiled the new name and logo:

The humility, prayer, and thoughtfulness that went behind this change is incredible.  You may have lots of questions about the new name and I would direct you to this FAQ website.

In the meantime, here are a few of my thoughts:
-I love it!  U of I has been using this name for the ministry for years!

-Many people are confused since this seems like just a shortened word for "crusade".  However, only people who previously knew our organization as Campus Crusade for Christ will associate the words.  For new people we meet, "cru" is a word that currently has no meaning. The organization will give it meaning as we strive to be a community of people who live and follow Jesus and proclaim his name boldly.  An example of this type of branding is "google" or "starbucks"; two words that once were nothing, but now have significant meaning to the world.

-Another concern is that "Christ" has been taken out of the name. Over and over again at this conference, we have been reassured that our mission and our passion have not changed. We still exist so that every person has a chance to hear about Jesus. A name was chosen that can best take the Gospel to the world and invite people into spiritual conversations with as few barriers as possible. I am excited to engage with people about "cru" and be able to freely converse about Jesus instead of just simply saying it in the name.

So now, seriously, continue reading more in the FAQ website because someone has spent many hours into answering all of our questions into this change!

Also, feel free to email us with any other questions!



  1. LOVE your blog :) And I particularly love this one...I might have to steal it! (with your permission of course)

  2. Man I voted for Power for Change. It was just so stinkin clever.
